When is the best time to travel to Vietnam? It is a common question that we often hear but it is quite tricky to answer. There’s amount of information found to tell about it. Being such a narrow and long country, Vietnam’s weather is quite diverse and it is hard to define an average temperature or rainfall for the whole country. Vietnam is a truly year-round destination, and the best time to travel around Vietnam by motorbike really depends on what your priorities are and what you really expect to see and experience. Keep reading to find out what to expect month-by-month when is the best time to travel to Vietnam for you. Choose your month to travel to Vietnam? Below is Vietnam Climate by Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Now Dec North 15 16 25 28 34 35 33 29 27 25 22 16 Central 17 20 24 30 33 35 33 29 26 25 22 30 South 27 28 29 33 35 36 32 28 27 27 27 27 Climate Located in both a tropical and a temperate zone, Vietnam’s climate is characterized by strong monsoon influences, but has a considerable amount of sun, a high rate of rainfall, and high humidity. Areas which are near the tropics and mountainous regions are with a temperate climate. The monsoon climate also affects to the changes of the tropical humidity. In general, there are two clear seasons in Vietnam, the cold season lasts from October to March and the hot one from April to Sept. The difference in temperature between the two seasons in southern part is almost unnoticeable, averaging 3ºC. The most noticeable variations are in northern part where differences of 12ºC have been observed. There are essentially four distinct seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each year, there are
When is the best time to travel to Vietnam? It is a common question that we often hear but it is quite tricky to answer. There’s amount of information found to tell about it. Being such a narrow and long country, Vietnam’s weather is quite diverse and it is hard to define an average temperature