When is the best time to travel to Vietnam?

When is the best time to travel to Vietnam? It is a common question that we often hear but it is quite tricky to answer. There’s amount of information found to tell about it. Being such a narrow and long country, Vietnam’s weather is quite diverse and it is hard to define an average temperature or rainfall for the whole country.

Vietnam is a truly year-round destination, and the best time to travel around Vietnam by motorbike really depends on what your priorities are and what you really expect to see and experience. Keep reading to find out what to expect month-by-month when is the best time to travel to Vietnam for you.

Choose your month to travel to Vietnam? Below is Vietnam Climate by Region



Located in both a tropical and a temperate zone, Vietnam’s climate is characterized by strong monsoon influences, but has a considerable amount of sun, a high rate of rainfall, and high humidity. Areas which are near the tropics and mountainous regions are with a temperate climate.

The monsoon climate also affects to the changes of the tropical humidity. In general, there are two clear seasons in Vietnam, the cold season lasts from October to March and the hot one from April to Sept. The difference in temperature between the two seasons in southern part is almost unnoticeable, averaging 3ºC. The most noticeable variations are in northern part where differences of 12ºC have been observed. There are essentially four distinct seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Each year, there are 100 rainy days and the average rainfall is from 1,500 to 2,000mm. The humidity ranges about 80%. Sunny hours are from 1,500 to 2,000.

Being affected by the monsoon, Vietnam’s average temperature is lower than other Asian countries which are located in the same longitude. Annual average temperatures range from 22oC to 27oC. In comparing with these countries, summer isn’t hotter and winter is colder in Viet Nam.

Because of monsoon and complicated topography, the climate in Viet Nam always changes in one year, between years, and between areas (from North to South and from low to high). There are also disadvantages of weather, such as typhoons (6-10 storms and tropical low atmosphere each year, droughts and floods threaten the life and the agriculture).

See more: https://loopmotorbiketours.com/

Required clothing

Lightweight cotton clothing is recommended throughout the year, with a raincoat or an umbrella in case some sudden cloudbursts. Be prepared for high temperatures and humidity in the summer or convenience in activities, no matter where you go. Warm clothing like jackets or sweaters is needed in the winter in northern Vietnam and mountainous areas.

Final words

Each month in Vietnam offers different amazing prospectives and a great experience of motorbike ride. When is the best to travel to Vietnam is up to your expectation and free time. Loop Bike Tours are available all year around to accompany you. Just let us know your time to travel to, we arrange every thing in advance! Feel free to contact us at any time for any help!

See tours: https://loopmotorbiketours.com/tours/


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